Showroom Tam Minh is now open

Tam Minh showroom in Ecopark, displaying best of the kind brands
April 30, 2021 by
Showroom Tam Minh is now open
Julia Nguyen
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We are delightful to announce that our beautiful showroom is now up and operational. This is a great news to us and our brands. 

Check us out on Google Maps.

Elkay's drinking solutions

We have installed a tubular outdoor drinking fountain and bolltle filler from Elkay to serve the whole community. The cafe, clean, filtered water is free to everyone passing by.

Home Elevators

State-of-the-art technology, easthetic pleasing and absolute safety, by Pneumatic Vacuum Elevators, USA

A beatiful state-of-the-art panoramic vacuum elevator is statement, right just in the front of the showroom and is very much visible from outside through the glass windows. Clients, desigers and visitors can have rides to experience vacuum technology in vertical transportation. 

Lighting solutions

Comprehensive pacakge of lighting solutions

Elkay's kitchen sinks and faucets and residential filtration solutions.

Photographs by Quang Tran.

Our Brands

Check out the brands that we represents


Special thanks to our architectural and interior designer VUUV who has solved so many problems and challengs in our space, small in term of sqm, but displaying so many different brands and characters.

VUUV has curated a well balanced arrangement of different zones and worked meticulously with contractors and suppliers for this one of the kind showroom.

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